- Posted by:
- Julia
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- Posted date:
- 10-10-2018

In these troubled economic times, the overwhelming desire to save money means we may be tempted to overlook the provenance of what we buy, if the price is right.
Just as we might foolishly expect that a £1 frozen Lasagne, clearly labelled as "Beef" might contain some cow's meat, we justifiably have similar expectations of other products and services. A sausage only actually must contain 32% pork to be classed as a pork sausage. Things are not always what they may appear to be at first sight.
So, what about all the services for your car that are advertised for £59/£79/£99? Yes an oil and filter change is classed as a service and your service record can be updated.
Why would you pay £3 for a Lasagne when you can buy one for £1?
Why would you get your Jaguar serviced at a Jaguar Specialist when you can get your service book updated and an oil and filter change carried out at a 'far smaller cost'?

A service at Nene Jag Specialists Ltd means that your Jaguar gets taken for a road test, it gets raised on the ramp and all four wheels are taken off. This means that brakes, suspension and steering components can be properly examined. As we have been working on Jaguars for nearly 30 years we are familiar with the cars and know which areas on which models are prone to give problems.
An engine flush is used to help keep your fresh engine oil cleaner for longer and your engine more efficient. Original equipment parts are used to help keep your Jaguar running at its best. We have seen inferior quality air filters fitted, for example, that end up causing running problems. Most importantly we only use Shell or Castrol oils for the engines. It is imperative that the correct grade oil is used in your Jaguar. We have recently seen a rise in the diesel cars encountering problems after some servicing as the correct grade oil has not been used in order to keep the cost down.

A service at Nene Jag Specialists Ltd will mean that your Jaguar has a diagnostic scan during the service to help detect any issues that may be lurking in the background. All levels and pressures are checked and adjusted on the car. A battery check is carried out, emissions are checked and if applicable, service lights are reset.
Our services are a fixed price and no additional work is ever carried out without your permission. If any items are found that require attention we can discuss and prioritise the jobs. Enabling you to budget for any future repairs and to give you the best chance to keep your Jaguar in prime condition.
So, if you're simply phoning around every garage in the area for the cheapest price, we're probably not going to get your business. If you care about your car enough to want it servicing properly and don't want to pay main dealer prices, you'll be far more likely to book with us.
What would you rather eat the tasty £3 Lasagne full of proper meat or the 'bargain' £1 one?